1984 Julias Story Creative Piece "Wake up!" a stern voice called from above. Her weary eyes slowly began to open. It was perfectly bright, however no windows were visible. Only electric lights running ever in parallel lines covered the ceiling of the hall. She was sitting in the very centre; her head crouched between her knees. She was afraid to blab out out or question w here she ability be. She could hear footsteps in the out-of-town but could not put up out where they were coming from. The electrocution lights had gradually blinded her eyes. This mustiness be the Ministry of Love she thought.

It seemed hours agone that she was thrown violently into thi s premise and she was starving. She understood why she was here but did not visualise how. She participated in sexual acts that were powerfully condemned by the Party. The crime would be punished by death, no questions asked. When will they shoot her? She precious her life to end now. license is to say that humans ware two eyes. She w...If you want to brook a full essay, set it on our website:
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