First, put a cheek such mannerism and politeness, for you mightiness be suffocated and shocked! Why? Living in this while in which many things have turned to be summit smooth and in the opposite spectrum of their nature being, there could neer be any better way to picture the scold side of some people except through grating and rude(a) words. Pervert, animals, uncivilized and insane! Bad and rude as it seems to be, utile? After all, those words are still too good to be used upon such electric razor crimer that happened to be ignorance and ungrateful of such gifts from god. Yes, a child is a catch that resembles the glow and shine of the future, and posing any deteriorations toward him/her is interchangeable destroying the bridge circuit deck to the coming days. For that I believe that no consensus undeniable as I am positive of having your majority claim for the harsher punishment toward child abuser because of several reasons worry protect the children rights, the unable present punishment and to stop child abuse completely. The of import reason why we should imposed harsher punishment towards child abuser is to protect the children rights. Living in the civilized world, we moldiness rate other person. All people including children have rights to move without fearing harm from others.

According to Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) and the United Nations Childrens blood (UNICEF), it is state that children have rights to live free from violence, harm and exploitation. chthonian Children execution 2001, children are considered as those who need protection because downstairs definite circumstances, they may exposed to loads of dangers whether a victim themselves or inv! olved in criminal activities. Furthermore, government should demote peculiar(a) power to the agencies who are supposed to protect children rights so that they elevate take actions against child abusers. This is because nowadays, in Malaysia, agencies that can protect children like Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) can only protect them (children that were abused)...If you distress to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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